Author Topic: AZKeyTool  (Read 923 times)

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Offline antox

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« on: May 18, 2010, 05:03:15 PM »

* First release
* Fixed some errors it encounted with some softcam.key files
 - Still not sure it will catch every eventuallity.
* Fixed file dialog cancel errors.
* Fixed program termination, now leaves task manager on exit.
* Added Tool - Discover emu_module settings.
 - this discovers emu_module internals and writes a small settings file
 - to ""\discover directory so that when you try and patch or import
 - this emu_module in the future, the tool can do it automatically.
 - so far its creating a unique ID for each module but this might not last.
 - if it errors in the future, deleting old discovery files and starting again
 - should fix the problem.


* Support added for multicas 162B-A06 2k100213
* Support added for multicas 162B-A03 2k100211
* Support added for multicas 162B-A02 2k100209
* Support added for multicas 162B-A01 2k100207
* Support added for multicas 162_2k100118
* Support added for multicas 162A
* Support added for multicas 161C-v161C-A16_2k100108


* Support added for multicas 161C-A16


* Support added for multicas 161C-A15
* Support added for multicas 161C-A15A


* support added for multicas 161C-A11
* Altered Save routine to cover more checks
* lots of background code for future functions


* Support added for Multicas 161C-A10
* Added Merge import SoftCam.Key file with Checks if entry exists (still beta)
* Added Help Dialog and error checks for Key.bin max entries


* Fixed broken right shift function when exporting key.bin
* Added Check to format caids properly for softcam.key Import
* Key.bin export code size reduced
* Fixed Crypto keys save error
* Fixed fault patching emu_module


* Added FTP recieve & Transfer Key.bin in tools
NOTE: C:\AZKey.tmp.bin is created and destroyed as a workaround for FTP not
accepting paths with spaces. Then local copy is from there, at the moment this tools
assumes you have a C: drive
* Stop & Restart the cam may be needed when updating the key.bin


* Added suport for Multicas 161C-A09
* Recoded import module completely for speed and ease.


* Added support for Multicas 161C-A08


* Added Import of Multicas161C-A07
* Add Patch emu_module with Keys (AutoDetects v161-A05->A07)
* Started coding a Hex Viewer
* Added Partial Code for viewing RSA Keys


* Re-instated Keys that dont fit Multicas Key.bin, Now filted out on Key.bin build,Allows
use of editor for more functions
* Added option to build either style of key.bin (older or newer 161CA05/A06 version)
* Changed key formatting to work with many key files
* Added Multicas Key.bin import for 2 know types
* Added Multicas emu_module key reader for 161C-A05 & A06
* Patch 'emu_module' part coded.
* Fixed a few formatting errors.
* Fixed a buffer overflow error.


* Fixed bug in a prompt where program exited
* Fixed a directory access error
* Fixed import to allow importing of linux style SoftCam.Key files
* Removed Nagra Predicted RSA's (from import Only)
* Removed import of invalid 1rd3t0 Caids (Multicas related)
* Removed Invalid 3SDT key imports in nagra


* Fixed Save on exit
* Added What I think is the correct format to import of Conax
* Fixed this Status dialog


First Test Release

* Auto Formats the Data
* Imports SoftCam.Key files (not extensively tested)
* Export as SoftCam.Key
* Export AzBox Key.bin (Multicas)
* Single character Hex Convertor
* Conax Not yet Functional
* Comments only to Header