Author Topic: Instalacija CCcama na Ubuntu 9.04 komp  (Read 2047 times)

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Offline antox

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Instalacija CCcama na Ubuntu 9.04 komp
« on: January 08, 2010, 11:44:30 PM »
Instalacija CCcama na Ubuntu 9.04 komp

Offline antox

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CCcam install script for fast install including ubuntu under 1/2 hour
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2010, 09:35:34 AM »
CCcam install script for fast install including ubuntu under 1/2 hour
hello to all i had made a tuto
for installing CCcam on ubuntu
but a lot of people had still problems installing it.
so i made a script for this.
there is still a small thing to do sorry, but its easy.!!

you have to install Ubuntu i like the 8.04.3 LTS the most! (now its bin updated to the 8.04.4 LTS)
the desktop edition.
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there is also a great new version from Ubuntu 10.04 LTS!!
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zipfile contains and the ubuntu_install_package + this read me text
in the package you can change the CCcam.x86 to the version you like to have this one contains 2.1.1
and you can also change the CCcam.cfg with one withs contents your settings. the CCcam.cfg is defauld only.

install ubuntu.
fill in the UbuntuInstall script only the OWNER= > i called it share4u because i share with you <(this is your username from the ubuntu install) this muts be done in also.!!!
fill this in in linux othterwise you get problems with the sctript it wont work when you edit in windows!!!!
you need the pc connected to the internet for downloads
then place the script and the ubuntu_install_package in /tmp/then go to terminal.
and login as sudo -i ( then you are sudo do what the text saysafter the ~$ and ~# )
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo -i
[sudo] password for ubuntu: >fill in your password.<
root@ubuntu:~# chmod 755 /tmp/
root@ubuntu:~# /tmp/ then the installation starts
and your terminal will fill up then there will be askt some times ( yes or no) fill in Yes everytime
then you get also a question choose standalone & undefined
after it is done ubuntu reboot's
te files in /tmp/ are gone and the server is up and running!!

then set the IP of the server static
in the top right corner you see a icon of 2 displays from the internet connection
click on manual configuration
unlock it by typing your password and configure your settings there.
save it and done.

you can login to check if CCcam is running on the ubuntu himself with
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then you see the CCcam info page!

when you want to shange the config it can be done ones a day and its automatic at 3:57 AM
after that CCcam shuts down at 3:56 AM
and the keyupdate ones a night at 3:58 AM
and CCcam starts again at 3:59 AM
when you set a new CCcam.cfg put it in /var/config
then when the configupdate is done it backs up the old config in /var/backup
this server checks CCcam every 5 min with a check script, and when it has to restart
it writes a log named CCcam.check in /var/cccamlog
and it starts CCcam in debug and writes the a CCcam.log
this can create big logs thats why there is also a script that cleans the logs ones a week.

its the same install as the tuto with all the tips only automatic

but please read carefull first!

have funn!!

try to dowload it direct on your linux!!

and for everyone who has some problems with the scripts you can use this link its for cleanup the
scripts from the ^M
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don't forget to fill in the the OWNER=your login name for ubuntu

Hello frends, I have add a extra install package for this ubuntu setup
when you have installed ubuntu and used the auto CCcam install,
then you can add with this install pack a working NewCS version 1.67.
feel free to use it.
to everyone who used the setup there is a error
it will work perfect but the CCcam will not be restart at night,
and that you need for the config update.
so please change the folowing

56 3 * * * root /killall/CCcam.x86 -->has to be
56 3 * * * root killall CCcam.x86 --> without the /
this can be done with this command as sudo -i
nano /var/etc/crontab
save is ctrl x enter

The package is updated from 19-01-2010 now without errors

and also dont forget the username in the cleanup script.

Please report how you think it did work for you and what Ubuntu version you used.
So that whe all have a lot of feadback from problems to fix,
ore for others who want to use it on other version/Linux distro's.

i am sorry to say that i have made a mistake / error in the scripts,
i have upload the packages new without the error so you can replace the old packages for the new one.

this mistake is found by satplanet so thanks to satplanet informing me,
i could fix the error and make a fix.

the fix package is attached

this fix package is compleet for all intall's just pick the right package and
install it like the readme file says.
