Author Topic: Audio PIP Plugin  (Read 734 times)

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Offline kargo.25

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Audio PIP Plugin
« on: June 14, 2010, 11:41:06 AM »
Audio PIP Plugin

After knowing the people who know me I do not like to complain but rather act I've just thought of the occasion times as you can see a TV transmitter and quickly pick up the sound from another.

Go with the code of the split screen plugin actually quite easy: you zoomed the PIP to full screen, and if you then weiterzappt normal, you can get the sound from any other channel to full screen PIP image (PipZAP is of course if installed).

So ARD Sport tone for the football game on Sky Sports or the like (where the stop is less loud Getröte combined with the better picture).

I think this is currently just a good time to test it :-)

Install by placing the ipk to / tmp via FTP push, and then:

ipkg install / *. ipk tmp/enigma2-plugin-extensions-audiopip

If it does not like and you want to be rid of it:

ipkg remove enigma2-plugin-extensions-audiopip

If it is installed after restart enigma2 easy to use in the Extensions Menu (on blue or blue in Lang GP2) where you turn Pip Pip enable audio weiterzappen select and then stop, the rest is probably self-explanatory.

Turn to do it then logically with the normal PIP Abdrehmenupunkt in the same Extensions Menu. In principle, the audio Pip is indeed only one with full-screen PIP, so that one gets when you zap just the sound from another station to do so.

Normal PIP should of course continue to go in the Extensions Menu, just not both at the same

And of course only on the boxes can also PIP (ie 8000/7025)

PS: Nettorbeitszeit for the plugin was not expecting 10 minutes, so not too much, but it works
What I would like to confirm once again the discussion of the DMM from the split-scr