Author Topic: OSCAM + CCcam Autoinstalling imaging Nabilosat Enigma 1 and Enigma 2  (Read 3343 times)

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 OSCAM + CCcam Autoinstalling imaging Nabilosat Enigma 1 and Enigma 2
OSCAM + CCcam Autoinstalling imaging Nabilosat Enigma 1 and Enigma 2

In this thread are available for self-installing OSCAM + CCcam imaging Nabilosat Puzzle 1 and Puzzle 2. Both 0919 card and card 093b.
The version of Enigma used to OSCAM 1 and 'the 536, while for 2 and Enigma' the 538.
CCcam version of Enigma used for both 1 and 2 and Enigma 'to 2.1.3
In models of Dreambox with 2 card readers, the configuration files have been prepared for the use of / dev/sci0. This means that the card is inserted into the card reader below. Owners of external readers, such as Smargo must change the configuration of your fist.
In models of Dreambox with only 1 card reader, there are no recommendations.

OSCAM and 'continuous updating and improvement.
When a new version of OSCAM is published, and 'Simply replace the executable file.
For images Enigma 1, the executable file is in / var / bin
For images Enigma 2, the executable file is in / usr / bin

To replace the executable file, proceed as indicated:

1) start a telnet session
2) type cd /
3) terminate the process OSCAM in progress, typing killall -9 OSCAM followed by the enter key
4) on your PC, rename the executable in OSCAM It 'important that this name is used to meet the startup script.
5) initiate an FTP session
6) copy the executable file in the path

/ var / bin for Enigma 1 images
/ usr / bin for Enigma 2 images

7) assign attributes to executable file OSCAM, 755
8) restart the EMU panel of his own image Nabilosat.