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DVR-Studio HD
« on: December 12, 2009, 04:59:12 PM »
DVR-Studio HD 1.64

We have finished the new version 1.64 of DVR-Studio HD.

IMPORTANT: This version is not yet released on the update service and therefore particularly needs to be installed.
Please an old version of the Control Panel to uninstall first and then run the MSI setup.

The following has changed in version 1.60:

New: Traffic light system for equipment selection:

For each device there is now a traffic light signal:
It is not possible a movie to bring the receiver back to

One can bring pictures of the receiver worked well back on the same device. In the old Topfield devices used to this, the old Haeder and devices with the control files. Be retained when using the old tax files, the name of the film. Some devices are the manuals available. Please list the equipment back on the link "HS Forum use" to obtain information about.

It is produced by Studio HD DVR all the new files that are playing for the film to the receiver is necessary. It does not matter what device was from the movie.

Such equipment is no information available. If anyone has this device, please try other devices just once from the same manufacturer or submit us a support request for device format.

New: Enhanced support request to the Device Export:
This question is not only obtained information about the device, but also to any control files, folder structures and overall file sizes and extensions automatically recorded. In addition, a short test file to detect Haeder is generated. All this is created on the desktop as a zip file and loaded via FTP to our server.
We hope to close quickly and so fast, "white spots" on the receiver map. Wink

New: Topfield 7700HCSI / 7000 HDPVR support
New: Topfield header for old equipment
It now supports all the Topfield.
For all devices TF4000 up TF6xxx there is the export-related devices (YELLOW). This means that images of Topfied run even after cutting back on the Topfield. In addition, the new file takes only Haeder the old file.
In the TF7000 and TF7700 HDPVR HCSI also be produced, the control files, that can also be brought to these recordings STRANGE Topfield. We were able to users at exactly these two devices testing.

But there is a problem in the Tonspurauswahl and the acquisition of EPG data. This is also the reason why today is not already the version 1.65 can go online. The exported movie is already running, but even so on the Topfield. Find out more on
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The Topfield differ and there are 3 different handling. For the other units TF7xxx class, we now have the default han that should fit in our opinion. If you have problems, please switch to HDPVR TF7000 or TF7700 HCSI and test. Should work a different setting, please inform me. I can change instantly.

New: Comag support
New: Smart Support
New: support Ferguson
These devices have a special handling in the control files and in the follow files. This led to the summary result files when exporting to the seams were aberrations. This was caused by the Haeder, which is now being considered.
IMPORTANT: For the manufacturers, there are devices that deviate from this operation. This is also evident at the light.

New: Homecast 8100 Adjustment
At some stations there was a problem with this device, if specific data were missing in the stream.

Fix: Speed has been optimized.
The output to a file has been improved. Due to more extensive procedures, but the speed of version 1.58 no longer attainable.

Have fun with HD DVR-Studio 1.64 ..


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Re: DVR-Studio HD
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2009, 07:26:34 PM »
DVR-Studio HD 1:65

Version 1.65 (18.12.2009): (Eng)
New: Export for Topfield 7700 HSCI (EPG data will still be exported, changing tone not possible)
New: Export for Topfield 7700 HDPVR (EPG data will still be exported, changing tone not possible)
New: Export for Topfield TF6000 is copied to (Header)
New: Export for Octagon SF1018 (header is copied)
New: Traffic light system for device-Export
New: Device information collected via Support Request
New: SL100HD Comag PVR / PVR SL60HD / Smart MX04 HDCI / Smart MX04 + HD recordings are supported must be selected (device)
Mod: Speed optimizing export
Mod: Skipping headers improved
Fix: jerky recording eliminated after export
Fix: Homecast 8100 shots without PCR can be edited
Fix: Cut preview sometimes did not work

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Re: DVR-Studio HD
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2009, 12:11:29 PM »
Version 1.65 (18.12.2009): (Ger)
================================================== ==
Neu: Export für Topfield 7700 HSCI (EPG-Daten werden noch exportiert; Ton wechsel noch nicht möglich)
Neu: Export für Topfield 7700 HDPVR (EPG-Daten werden noch exportiert; Ton wechsel noch nicht möglich)
Neu: Export für Topfield bis TF6000 (Header wird kopiert)
Neu: Export für Octagon SF1018 (Header wird kopiert)
Neu: Ampel-System für Geräte-Export
Neu: Geräte Informationen sammeln per Support-Request
Neu: Comag SL100HD PVR/ SL60HD PVR / Smart MX04 HDCI / Smart MX04 HD+ Aufnahmen werden unterstützt (Gerät muss ausgewählt sein)
Mod: Geschwindigkeitsoptimierung beim Export
Mod: Ãœberspringen von Headern verbessert
Fix: Ruckeln der Aufnahme nach Export beseitigt
Fix: Homecast 8100 Aufnahmen ohne PCR können bearbeitet werden
Fix: Schnittvorschau funktionierte manchmal nicht
================================================== ==

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DVR-Studio HD
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2010, 01:59:32 PM »
DVR-Studio HD2 1.66

Hey Guys,

as you see, our new page and DVR-Studio HD 2 is online.
Unfortunately, there was this unforeseen problems represented by us and not been considered. Actually, we were now ready tomorrow at 9:00.

By switching our SSL certificate was invalid.
Unfortunately, the programs communicate DVR-Studio HD 1 and HD 2 because of data encrypted with the server.

As a result, the web service is not running without a new certificate.

1 +1 has assured us within 2 hours to provide a new certificate, but also had to contend with the problem that the issuing company Geotrust had just today changed its rules and 1 +1 your own processes still have to change it.

Unfortunately, we are still waiting ...

In order to help you yet, we have just decided to built in DVR-Studio HD1 and HD2 a double query, which causes the program encrypts only normal to try to access the web service and if not feasible, again without SSL.

This automation ensures that the new versions can now work without SSL.

Once we receive the certificate that is installed in the server and then the communication is automatically encrypted.

Latest in the next version we will extend the well again.

Important: Because the old version 1.65 only via SSL encryption works, it will not work until after the release of the new SSL certificate again. This is the moment (22:30) was not the case.

Please invite you therefore DVR-Studio 1.66 or the new HD DVR HD Studio 2.0 download and use these programs.
You can find both versions to our new download site and through these links:

The HD 2.0 times anyone can still use for 30 days.

Customers who bought the HD 1.x, you can unlock the 1.66 normal.

Sorry for the confusion .... and the delays We had also presented the different.
Please have some sympathy for our situation ...

Due to the fact that we had again the problem with the 1 +1 servers, we will hire as the next with another provider a second server that is acting in such a case as a backup.

Please give us the time for it to implement this.

Your team of software Haenlein


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Re: DVR-Studio HD
« Reply #4 on: May 06, 2010, 06:43:48 PM »
DVR-Studio HD 1.68 und DVR-Studio HD 2.02

New: crash in the burner-Interface is registered (DVR-Studio HD2)
If it came with a demolition torch to a problem, it could block the program. If it now becomes a problem when the program is running, the burner is blocked. This can be enabled via Tools -> Settings -> Authoring again.

New: fallback window
The version 1.65 could not start because of the SSL problem and the customer did not know what it was. Now we have installed a window, call that a normal web site can. About this site we can be centrally controlled information about the problem.

Fix: demux: could not write the wrong byte per cut
When demultiplexing to each cut a wrong byte was written under circumstances that had image disturbances.

Blu-Ray / AVCHD menu problem (DVR-Studio HD2)
On some players, there were problems with the menu. This constantly changing with regard to the demo without it there could start a recording

Blu-Ray / AVCHD authoring exported: No more MPEG audio (DVR-Studio HD2)
So far, even in the Blu-Ray / AVCHD authoring exports the MPEG audio track with. MPEG audio is not part of the Blu-Ray standards.

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Re: DVR-Studio HD
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2010, 05:28:04 PM »
DVR-Studio HD 1.69 und DVR-Studio HD 2.03


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Re: DVR-Studio HD
« Reply #6 on: August 11, 2010, 05:18:27 PM »
DVR-Studio HD 2.05 und DVR-Studio HD 1.71 ist online

Neu: Textausrichtung (Links, Rechts & Zentriert) im Menü-Editor (Nur HD2)
Die Texte können nun in Bezug auf die Ausrichtung formatiert werden. Dies ermöglicht eine bessere Gestaltung der Menüs.

Neu: Kontur-Effekt für Textelement im Menü-Editor
Man kann nun Spezialeffekte für Schriften einstellen, um so Menüs aufzuwerten.

Neu: Die Buttons "****|" und "|<<" zeigen bei gedrückter Maustaste alle 100ms ein neues Bild
Wenn man mit der Maus den Button gedrückt hält wird eine automatische Wiederholung alle 100ms ausgelöst. Diese Funktion wurde aus DVR-Studio pro auf Kundenwunsch übernommen.

Neu: Bei fehlendem Ausgabeverzeichnis wird nicht mehr auf Standardpfad gewechselt, sondern das Einstellungsfenster eingeblendet
Wurde ein Ausgabeverzeichnis auf einen Wechseldatenträger eingestellt und war dieser bei Programmstart nicht verfügbar, wurde bisher auf das Standardverzeichnis gewechselt. Nun erfolgt eine Abfrage nach dem neuen Zielort.

Neu: Für HD-Disk kann das Neuverpackten des Tons deaktiviert werden. Es wird empfolen diese Option aktiviert zu lassen
Notwendig damit man in Power DVD einen Ton auf hat. Auf manchen Playern führt die aktivierte Option bei einigen ausländischen HD-Sendern zu Knackgeräuschen. Man sollte sie nur ausschalten, wenn Power DVD nicht genutzt wird. (Expertenmodus)

Neu: Fromat von Text und Bildelementen kann kopiert und auf andere Elemente angewendet werden
Man kann nun Formate von einem einmal eingestellten Objekt entweder über das Kontexmenü (rechte Maustaste > Format > Dieses Format kopieren) oder über den Button mit dem Pinsel auf andere Objekte übertragen.

Neu: Vor dem Authoring wird geprüft, ob später alle Buttons über die Fernbedienung erreicht werden kann
Unter Umständen sind erstellte Buttons später nicht über die Fernbedienung zu erreichen. Dies kann zum Beispiel geschehen wenn sich zwei Buttons überlappen oder bei mehreren Buttons die Anordnung einfach nicht sauber erkannt werden kann. In diesen Fällen meldet das Programm nun einen Fehler.

Fix: weitere Ursache für "C++ Runtime Error" bei Blu-Ray/AVCHD Erstelleung behoben
Unter gewissen Umständen konnte man Programmabbrüche provozieren. Diese Punkte wurden abgefangen.

Fix: Absturz bei "Fertigstellen" wenn intern kein Brenner gefunden wurde
Unter gewissen Umständen wurde dem Brenner von Windows kein Laufwerksbuchstabe zugeordnet, was Programmabbrüche zur Folge hatte, wenn man versuchte in die Einstellungen der Maske Brenner oder Fertigstellen zu gelangen.

Fix: Automatische Kapitelmarken wurden in der Infobox des Menü-Editors nicht angezeigt
In der Infobox des Menü-Editors wurden nicht dieselben Kapitel wie im Contextmenü angezeigt. Es fehlten die automatisch erzeugten Kapitelmarken.

Fix: Schwarzes Vorschaubild auf einigen PCs
Bei den Intel i7 Prozessoren am es bei dem LowLevel Decoder zu Probleme, die dazu führten, dass das Standbild für SD Videos nicht angezeigt wurde.

Fix: M2TS-Pakete-Modus manchmal nicht erkannt (z.B. Sony HDR XR 105E)
Bei einigen Camcordern wurde unter Umständen das M2TS Format nicht sicher erkannt. Diese Aufnahme wurden abgewiesen.

Fix: DVD-Authoring "Pre verification fails" Ursache behoben
Durch Verarbeitungsprobleme während des Demuxen kam es anschließend zum "Pre verification fails" Problem.

Fix: Bei HD-Disks wurde 1080p Material als 1080i markiert
Wenn eine Aufnahme im 1080p Format vorlag, wurde diese bisher als 1080i in den Blu-Ray / AVCHD Steuerdateien ausgewiesen.

Change: Anpassung für RTL HD (Luxemburg)
Verarbeitungsanpassungen für den luxemburgischen HD Sender "RTL HD". Diese Aufnahmen konnten vorher nicht geöffnet werden.

Change: DirectShow Decoder Sperrliste abgeschafft
Die Verwaltung von den auf dem PC vorhandenen Decoder wurde komplett neu erstellt. Somit ist sichergestellt, dass ein defekter oder ungeeigneter Film nicht alle Decoder auf die Sperrliste setzen kann, was dazu führte, dass keine Wiedergabe bestimmter Filme mehr möglich war, ohne die Sperrliste explizit zu löschen.

Change: Temp. Authoring-Ordner wird auch am Ende der Verarbeitung geleert - bisher nur am Anfang
Nach Anschluss des Authorings werden nun alle temporär angelegte Dateien der Session entfernt, um den Kunden PC zu entlasten.

Change: Ãœberarbeitet Support-Anfrage
Die Supportanfrage verwaltet nun alle gestellten Anfragen des Kunden. Er kann all seine offenen Anfragen jederzeit ansehen. Erscheint eine neue Version, so werden nach dem 10. Programmstart gezielt vom System alle noch offnen Supportanfragen ihm wieder angezeigt und er muss über eine automatisierte Rückmeldung "Problem gelöst" oder "Problem besteht noch" eine Antwort an Haenlein-Software senden. Diese "Ein klick"-Antwort erlaubt es uns alle Supportanfragen mit dem Erscheinen einer neuen Version als gelöst anzusehen, ohne die Kunden explizit informieren zu müssen. Durch die Rückmeldungen "Problem besteht noch" ist sicher gestellt, dass kein Problem in Vergessenheit gerät und die Liste der offenen Supportanfragen immer aktuell ist.

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Re: DVR-Studio HD
« Reply #7 on: September 01, 2010, 10:18:26 AM »
 DVR-Studio HD 1.72-DVR-Studio HD 2.06

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IMPORTANT: In versions 1.71 and 2.05 as of 11.8.10 had silently crept a bug that Tobias recognized thanks to the first feedback with the new support request and already fixed.
When Demux / DVD authoring was exported from the second crop area no sound.

For the circumstances, I would like to apologize.

The following was adapted from the 1.70 / 2.04:

New: Text Alignment (Left, Right & Center) in the Menu Editor (Only HD2)
The texts can now be formatted in terms of orientation. This enables a better design of the menus.

New: Stroke effect to text in your menu editor
Now you can set special effects for fonts to upgrade Sun menus.

New: Buttons and &quot;>>|&quot; &quot;|<<&quot; show while holding the mouse button every 100ms a new image
If you hold down your mouse button automatically repeat every 100 ms is initiated. This function was transferred from DVR-Studio pro on customer request.

New: If no output directory is not changed to default, but the settings window appears
If an output directory set to a removable disk and this was not available at startup, has been changed to the default directory. Now a query is based on the new destination.

New: HD disc can Neuverpackten the sound be turned off. It is strongly discouraged this option to leave
Necessary so that at in Power DVD has a tone. On some players, leads the activated option in some foreign HD channels to cracking noises. You should turn it off only when Power DVD is not used. (Expert mode)

New: Fromat of text and image elements can be copied and applied to other elements
It is now possible formats of a selected object once, either via the context menu (right-click> Format> Copy this format) or transmitted over the button with the brush on other objects.

New: Before the authoring examined whether later, all buttons can be accessed via the remote control
Buttons are created may not be achieved later on the remote control. This can happen for example when two buttons overlap or several buttons, the arrangement simply can not be recognized clean. In these cases, the program now reports an error.

Fix: Fixed another cause of &quot;C + + Runtime Error&quot; on Blu-Ray/AVCHD Erstelleung
Under certain circumstances could be provoked program crashes. These points have been intercepted.

Fix: Crash when clicking &quot;Finish&quot; if no internal burner was found
Under certain circumstances, the writer of Windows was assigned a drive letter, which had program crashes resulted when people tried in the settings of the mask to reach the burner or finishing.

Fix: Automatic chapter markers in the info box of the menu were not displayed Editor
In the info box of the menu editor, not the same section were viewed from the context menu. It lacked the automatically created chapter marks.

Fix: Black preview screen on some PCs
At the Intel i7 processors on it at the decoder to LowLevel problems that led to the statue for SD video was not displayed.

Fix: M2TS packages mode sometimes not recognized (eg Sony HDR XR 105E)
Some camcorders may be the M2TS format was not detected. This image has been dismissed.

Fix: DVD authoring &quot;Pre verification fails&quot; Cause fixed
By processing problems during the demux failed to follow the &quot;Pre verification fails&quot; problem.

Fix: HD discs was marked as 1080i, 1080p material
If a record existed in the 1080p format, such as 1080i has been included in the Blu-Ray / AVCHD control files.

Change: Adaptation to HD RTL (Luxembourg)
Processing adjustments for the Luxembourg HD channel &quot;RTL HD&quot;. These recordings were previously not open.

Change: abolished DirectShow decoder block list
The management of those on the PC decoder was created from scratch. This ensures that a defective or unsuitable film can not put all decoders on the blacklist, which meant that no play was possible over certain films without deleting the block list explicitly.

Change: Authoring Temp folder is emptied at the end of the process - so far only at the beginning
After connecting the authoring then all temporary files created to remove the session in order to relieve the client PC.

Change: Revised support request
The support request now manages all the questions asked of the customer. He can look at all of its outstanding requests at any time. We get a new

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Re: DVR-Studio HD
« Reply #8 on: September 09, 2010, 02:04:33 PM »
]DVR-Studio HD 2.07 und DVR-Studio HD 1.73 ist online


Neu: 'ImgBurn' wird als alternative Brenn-Schnittstelle unterstützt (Nur HD2)
Man kann nun unter Einstellungen > Authoring die Brennerschnittstelle festlegen. Die Schnittstelle INTERN brennt mit der eigenen internen Brennersoftware. Sollte diese durch fremde Brennerprogramme gestört sein, kann man auf ImgBurn umschalten. Somit wird der Arbeitsvorgang über ein Interface an die Freeware ImgBurn übergeben. ImgBurn muss dazu von dem User von der Seite You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login geladen und installiert werden.

Neu: Geräte-Export Status Gelb für: "Clarke-Tech - C-Tech 5000 HD Combo Plus", "Clarke-Tech - C-Tech HD 5100-C", "Eycos - K 70.12 HD", "Eycos - S 70.12 HD PVR", "Medion - MD 26001", "SilverCrest - SL250 /2 100CI", "Hirschmann - S-HD 910", "ABCom - IPBox 910HD"(HD1 + HD2)
Für die oben aufgeführten Geräte wurde im Webservice und Programm der Geräteexport angepasst.

Neu: Einheitliches Seitenverhältnis (16:9 / 4:3) für DVD-Authoring sicherstellen (Nur HD2)
Wenn Schnitte unsauber waren, konnte es passieren, dass eine DVD mit dem falschen Format abgespielt wurde. Das Programm untersucht nun die Aufnahme auf das richtige Format und stellt dieses fest ein. (wird gepatcht)

Neu: Einheitliche Dolby Digital Tonformat (AC3 2.0 / 5.1) für DVD-Authoring sicherstellen (Nur HD2)
Wenn Schnitte unsauber waren, konnte es passieren, dass eine DVD mit dem falschen Audion-Format abgespielt wurde. Das Programm untersucht nun die Aufnahme auf das richtige Format und stellt dieses fest ein. (Erster Audioblock wird als Stumm, aber mit richtigem Format vorgegeben.)

Neu: Option um Brenngeschwindigkeit zu reduzieren (Nur HD2)
Unter Extras> Einstellungen > Brenner kann man nun festlegen, ob ein Rohling mit reduzierter Geschwindigkeit gebrannt wird. Somit wird die "Handschrift" des Brenners für die Player besser lesbar.

Neu: Authoring - Rücksprungverhalten (JumpBack) nach Titelende einstellbar (Menü oder nächster Titel) (Nur HD2)
Man kann nun festlegen, was nach der Wiedergabe des Filmes passiert. Zur Wahl stehen Sprung ins Menü oder zum nächsten Film. Diese Funktion ist für Musik DVDs gedacht, wo die Lieder in einem Durchlauf abgespielt werden sollen. Die Einstellung die im Hauptmenü getroffen werden gilt für die komplette Disk.

Neu: Neue Menü-Hintergrundbilder hinzugefügt (Nur HD2)
Unter dem Punkt "Hintergrundgrafiken" stehen nun einige neue hochauflösende Bilder zur Auswahl.

Fix: AC3-Tonspur konnte im BD-Authoring falsch erkannt werden, wenn es mehr als eine Spur gab (Nur HD2)
Die AC3-Tonspur wurde unter Umständen in der CLIPINF (Steuerdatei der Blu-Ray / AVCHD) falsch "markiert".

Fix: MP2 / AC3 Header beim DVD-Authoring nicht gefunden(Nur HD2)
Während des Authorings kam ab und an die Meldung AC3 oder MP2 Header nicht gefunden. Dies sollte nun nicht mehr vorkommen.

Fix: Bei einigen ausländischen Sender wurde keine MP2-Tonspur gefunden, wenn diese eine sehr niedrige Datenrate hatten(HD1 + HD2)

Fix: Ende des Authoring-Prozesse wurde nicht immer erkannt (Nur HD2)
Es konnte vorkommen, dass das DVR-Studio HD 2 das Ende des Authoringvorgangs nicht mitbekam.

Fix: Vorschau umgewandelter Fehlerstellen funktionierte nicht(HD1 + HD2)

Fix: Authoring Temp. Verzeichnis wurde nach der Bearbeitung nicht immer geleert(Nur HD2)

Fix: Demo bis 2100+ bei Vollversion(HD1 + HD2)
Unter bestimmten Umständen zeigt das Programm nicht Vollversion sondern eine sehr weit in der Zukunft liegendes Datum an.

Change: DirectShow Decoder Handling überarbeitet(HD1 + HD2)
Unter bestimmten Hardwarevoraussetzungen konnte es passieren, dass Video oder Audio Codecs nicht gesetzt wurde. Folge war Stummfilm oder kein Bild.

Change: Neuste Version des H.264 Decoders von MainConcept(HD1 + HD2)
Dieser neue Codec beseitigt die Probleme bei bestimmten HDTV Aufnahmen bei der Wiedergabe im Programm.



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Re: DVR-Studio HD
« Reply #9 on: September 23, 2010, 10:07:01 PM »
New DVR-Studio HD 2.08


New: Menu items in the editor can be moved to the foreground or background
It can now be superimposed objects and set the location for each object.

Update: New internal burner port
Because of the constant interference of the torch burner operation by foreign programs (), we looked for a new professional partner who has specialized in burner software. Our partner promises that disruptive actions can be circumvented by third-party products.
Also, it was in our old burner port it to isolated problems that the ISO had stopped production. Again, this should now be a thing of the past.
The new internal interface is pre-selected after installation.
Under Tools> Options> Authoring here also ImgBurn is still available. About patches, we can also activate the old burner port and a total outsourcing of the operation of ImgBurn.

Just for information:
Since this program only concern DVR-Studio HD 2, there is no new update for DVR-Studio HD 1

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Re: DVR-Studio HD
« Reply #10 on: December 01, 2010, 04:24:19 PM »
DVR-Studio HD 2.x


Change: DVD-Authoring - Tonversatz-Problem verbessert
Fix: Timeout-Problem SkyDsl
Fix: DVD-Authoring - Lettbox-Flag für 4:3 Aufnahmen entfernt
Fix: DVD-Authoring - aktuelle Aufnahmen der Pro7Sat1-Gruppe lassen sich wieder verarbeiten.

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Re: DVR-Studio HD
« Reply #11 on: December 18, 2010, 12:03:47 PM »
DVR-Studio HD 2.13 and DVR-Compress 2.02

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DVR-Studio HD 2 (Installer + Setup)

Optimizing HD and SD compression of DVD title set (VIDEO_TS). Separately or DVR-Studio Pro DVR-Studio HD usable

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Re: DVR-Studio HD
« Reply #12 on: February 10, 2011, 11:30:58 PM »
DVR-Studio HD1.77, Studio HD 2.15, Compress 2.04

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Fix: &quot;Not Responding&quot; in the directory settings screen
With version HD1.77 and HD2.16, a review of the lists checked for validity. Incorrectly set paths are marked in red and he user is prompted to correct them. Without it correctly set, the user can not exit the window. Under certain circumstances, this change was not possible and the program crashed. (More info here)

Fix: DVR-Compress 2 wrong Ser. Message
DVR-Studio HD reviewed the use of Compress the correct clearance. There was a problem, so a full version was not detected.

These were the changes from the version
DVR-Studio HD2.13 -> HD2.14
DVR-Studio HD1.76 -> HD1.76
DVR-Compress 2.02 -> 2:03

The major change for all programs:
These versions are now on Windows 7 with SP1 läuffähig. A new version of DVR-cover is also true in the near future.
IMPORTANT: All older versions run on Windows 7 with service pack is not working 1.
Since Microsoft will offer users of Windows 7 SP1 is automatically to assume, that the majority it will use. To avoid unnecessary requests, we will therefore turn off completely after 2 weeks, the old versions of the web service.

New: teletext and DVB subtitles are retained in TS and M2TS exports
In exports is now an existing text and / or DVB-subtitles and output again. This refers not to the DVD / BD edition. This feature comes with a later version.

New: Custom menus can be saved as templates
If you have created a menu to suit your own needs, we can now save it as a template. This template will appear as a proposal for their own menus in the program window.

Fix: Sometimes wrong audio PTS calculation near wraparound
The transmitters send timestamp, the count up. We reached the maximum number, we set it back to zero. Which is a wraparound. Wraparound met this close to a sound package, it came in the processing of this recording to problems.

Fix: Failed to set the cut points
Under certain conditions, it was the set of intersection points to problems and share the images were exported several times also.

Fix: Sometimes, the message text as an e-AC3 track detected
For specific stations (eg Arte [SD]) of the Teletext was detected as an e-AC3 track, this meant that the track resulted in the further processing to abort the processing.

Fix: Tonversatz in automatic cuts
Cutting areas identified by the automatic detection and set advertising resulted in uncontrolled processing Tonversatz.

Fix: Audio language was not set in TS or M2TS Export
The identification (specifying the language, eg German, English, French) was not passed to the export the new file and so has been identified in playing with the device as &quot;unknown.&quot;

Fix: ZDF / ARD HD video text timestamp problem solved
In the transmitters, it happens that the video text to be sent offset by some. This is also when playing in the receiver. Our programs can compensate for this shift now. At issue in the device format, the thus generated new file is in the receiver back in order.

Fix: Better representation in higher DPI value adjusted on Windows
If the Windows settings for the display of the DPI value is not set to the default 100%, there was delayed and partially hooked surfaces. By making changes now, the completeness of the text and other UI elements is given.

Change: More tolerance in advanced troubleshooting
The Tolleranzschwelle the error detection has been increased, since this led to reports of errors that were not as such in the play.

Change: New version of the burner port
Our supplier provides us with a quarterly advanced burner interface, the latest on the market are designed burner.

Change: It is now the time for the &quot;Project Cleanup&quot; be changed
DVR-Studio HD (2) oversee the project directory and offers older projects to delete. The period is now adjustable. The projects will be available to be deleted and deleted without further inquiry.

Change: Invalid audio tracks will be disabled (eg Schwaiger DSR 1080)
Various receivers also feature audio tracks with invalid. These are now detected and disabled.

Change: Improved detection of the burner (multiple drives)
If more were installed in the PC optical drives, it came under some circumstances to false positives.

All Programs Change: PowerPack GUI elements for better compatibility replaced
Were used style elements that do not belong to the standard elements of. Net, but only in the power pack. Net was included. Was this not exist on the PC, this led to a program termination. This PowerPack elements were replaced with standard items.

Compress 2 Fix: Adapted H.264 optimization
When removing the filler bits in HD movies in 720p it came with isolated receivers to malfunction when playing the edited film.

Compress 2 Fix: Crash when selecting the SD if predetermined surface structure was invalid VIDEO_TS
If a Video_TS folder is called, which contained a really bad structure, this led to a crash of Compress second

These were the main changes introduced in version 2.13. Here again a reminder:

Core of these new versions is the integration of our new product DVR-true cover.
With this tool, you create fast-response DVD and BD Cover directly from the receiving data directly from DVR-Studio HD.
For more detailed information on the product side of true cover on our homepage.

Information pool for creating DVD menus, the devices in the unit export formats and the creation of the DVD cover is the window &quot;for receiving information&quot; that can be accessed via this button:

To emphasize the importance of the buttons, this blinks after shooting a load several times. In the window you can edit next to the preview and the movie name and the movie description. If the receiver delivers the info is here and the EPG text over the transmitter.
One should get used to best edit the data here, because these information flows automatically to various points of processing:
- Export in device format: (example ..)
- Acquisition of the menu: Go with the creation of the main menu, everything is registered.
- Transfer to DVR-true cover: all title of the DVD and the individual images with text and movie titles are displayed as a finished DVD and DVD case.
- Scheduled export an archive program is also still further properties of the recordings.

-New Finish window:
We have improved the clarity. In the left half of all output types are available. Depending on what you anselektiert, so does the right half. Thus gives a detailed info what this edition of Arte and what they are used. In addition, the settings will be displayed for this type of output. The default values from the settings are pre-selected and can be changed for the upcoming operation. About the cogs of the special settings are also callable. For output to a DVD / DB can be determined in addition to the Compress settings now, whether at the start of the processing is loading projects in work-in DVR true cover. Based on the EPG data that is already written ready.

New: Calling the instructions on all our products.
DVR-Studio HD is the main product now in a position to directly load the instructions of DVR-Compress DVR and-true cover. (If installed)

- Neu: Programmverwaltung für Installation, Kaufen und Freischalten
Es gab immer wieder Fragen, wo finde ich die Seriennummer für eine Bestellung, wie schalte ich frei oder wie kann ich es laden. Aus dem Grund ist nun alles in einem Fenster zusammen. Man sieht sofort den Status der jeweiligen Anwendung (HD, Compress, TrueCover)

Note: DVR-Studio HD must be activated even earlier, because only then it knows the customer access information. Thus, it retrieves the license information from the customer area. If the license in another customer are, there remains the registration window of Compress / true cover open.
View Compress / true cover has the same serial number is as reported in the customer: Important. Otherwise, are not of activation. (A license is only usable on a PC)

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Offline kargo.25

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DVR-Studio HD
« Reply #13 on: April 27, 2011, 06:47:58 PM »
DVR-Studio HD1.78 und Studio HD 2.17

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The most important change:27.Apr.2011

New: MPEG-PS export to MPEG2 SD recordings
The MPEG-PS export (. Mpeg) is available for SD MPEG2 recordings

New: Radio recording support (playing the internal player still available!)
Radio recordings can now be loaded, edited and processed. At the moment it is not possible, the radio recordings using the internal player to play.

New: Radio recordings can be used as a title on an SD-DVD (not HD disc currently available!)
From radio recordings can also be used in SD-DVD authoring. One then obtains a still image and the radio sound.
Our radio logo is the default, but it can be for choosing on the &quot;Details of the host&quot; window, a different picture.

New: Enhanced recording information
In the &quot;Details of the host&quot; window can now have additional details are given. These are already used in some equipment and exports in the next DVR-true cover version.

New: Menu Editor: Vertical Text Alignment
Text elements can now be aligned vertically.

Fix: Adaptation of the surface for high DPI setting

Fix: OutOfMemory demolition
Since it was 2:16 in the processing of M2TS files to abortion.

Fix: SD-authoring abort wrong internally linked menu items

Fix: demux-export problem with E-AC3 audio track

Fix: HD disc authoring - E-AC3 audio track is no longer set as AC3
So far, E-AC3 audio tracks have been marked in the HD disc authoring and AC3 audio tracks. Now they are correctly marked as E-AC3 track.

Fix: Crash when loading After this project is not automatically reloaded

Change: Adaptation for SF-1028P HD Noblence DVB-C
Recordings of this device can now be processed when it is selected in the device list!

Change: Authoring - Testing for maximum number of buttons per menu
There are, according to DVD or Blu-ray specification following limits in the number of linked elements:
Blu-Ray Menu: 32
-16:9 DVD menu: 18
-4:3 DVD menu: 36

Change: HD disc authoring - improvement for fast coil

Change: Translated property panel in the menu editor

Change: Comment field for negative feedback Support request

Change: Positive Support Request feedback can now always be given

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Offline kargo.25

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DVR-Studio HD
« Reply #14 on: April 29, 2011, 04:58:47 PM »
New..28-04-11 DVR-Studio HD1.78 und Studio HD 2.17

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The most important change:

New: MPEG-PS export to MPEG2 SD recordings
The MPEG-PS export (. Mpeg) is available for SD MPEG2 recordings

New: Radio recording support (playing the internal player still available!)
Radio recordings can now be loaded, edited and processed. At the moment it is not possible, the radio recordings using the internal player to play.

New: Radio recordings can be used as a title on an SD-DVD (not HD disc currently available!)
From radio recordings can also be used in SD-DVD authoring. One then obtains a still image and the radio sound.
Our radio logo is the default, but it can be for choosing on the &quot;Details of the host&quot; window, a different picture.

New: Enhanced recording information
In the &quot;Details of the host&quot; window can now have additional details are given. These are already used in some equipment and exports in the next DVR-true cover version.

New: Menu Editor: Vertical Text Alignment
Text elements can now be aligned vertically.

Fix: Adaptation of the surface for high DPI setting

Fix: OutOfMemory demolition
Since it was 2:16 in the processing of M2TS files to abortion.

Fix: SD-authoring abort wrong internally linked menu items

Fix: demux-export problem with E-AC3 audio track

Fix: HD disc authoring - E-AC3 audio track is no longer set as AC3
So far, E-AC3 audio tracks have been marked in the HD disc authoring and AC3 audio tracks. Now they are correctly marked as E-AC3 track.

Fix: Crash when loading After this project is not automatically reloaded

Change: Adaptation for SF-1028P HD Noblence DVB-C
Recordings of this device can now be processed when it is selected in the device list!

Change: Authoring - Testing for maximum number of buttons per menu
There are, according to DVD or Blu-ray specification following limits in the number of linked elements:
Blu-Ray Menu: 32
-16:9 DVD menu: 18
-4:3 DVD menu: 36

Change: HD disc authoring - improvement for fast coil

Change: Translated property panel in the menu editor

Change: Comment field for negative feedback Support request

Change: Positive Support Request feedback can now always be given

in the setups yesterday were a few faulty pieces of code (including Absturtz in BD authoring, recordings could not be summarized)
contain the debug version, so we have the setup today (28.04. to clock 12.15) nor uploaded.

So please everyone who yesterday or this morning it moved now to install update again.

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