Author Topic: UltimateFlashRecovery 910  (Read 720 times)

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UltimateFlashRecovery 910
« on: February 06, 2011, 12:13:00 AM »

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[B]What is UltimateFlashRecovery? [/B]

1. flaszuje perfectly clean 2.0beta/final Kathrein
2. creates a perfectly clean btcf (btcf otherwise bootconfigsektor)
3. to assign proper bootconfig bootargs for 2.0beta, and sets the Mac
ethaddr 0:50: fd: ff: 12:34

[B]What does it possess?[/B]

- UFS910 (probably obvious?)
- PC with XP Hyperterminal or similar (binary kermit)
- The conductivity crossover between the PC and 232 UFS910
- Drive, fat32, Xba volume of directory / kathrein/ufs910

[B]Procedure: [/B]

1. download and unzip
2. ufr910.img file on the flash drive to copy the directory / kathrein/ufs910
3. ufr910.exe save the file somewhere on your PC (eg on the desktop)
4. run hyperterminal, connection by COMx myth "115200, 8, n, 1, NO"
5. Insert the USB pen Helmets, Helmet turn at the same time repeatedly
pressing the Enter key.
The terminal window will stop the cascade STB7100ref Prompt>.
7. pat as stated below and hit <enter>:
loadb a4000000, a4000000 bootm
We will show the answer &quot;ready for download binary ....&quot;
8. in the terminal you have options to send files
- Press &quot;Send&quot;
- Select &quot;File&quot;
- Look for the file in the window ufr910.exe (unless you&#39;re on the desktop ...???)
- And very important, select Protocol, &quot;Kermit&quot; and finally click on <Send>
9. The whole process lasts up to 5 min, the preview pane, you will have

[B]Notes: [/B]

This package always work, you just need a good and uboot
RS connection.
MAC addresses, IP addresses, smashed Bootargs, virus scanners, firewalls and other
przeszkadzajki have no impact on the reliability of
In Windows Vista, it could come to a bias in ufr910.exe.
You will know it&#39;s report &quot;bad magic ...&quot; in a terminal window
Great unknown: pendrive.
If the pen will not be recognized will receive a report
<interrupt> UFS910 then resets
If the pen will be recognized but will not be able to read this data
receive a report
ERROR: sohci_submit_job: ENOMEM
ERROR: failed sohci_submit_job
In this case K, the PEN.

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