Author Topic: Vazno upozorenje ! ! ! Obavezno procitati !  (Read 2551 times)

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Vazno upozorenje ! ! ! Obavezno procitati !
« on: February 18, 2010, 04:29:10 PM »
U zadnje vrijeme primili smo dosta abuse zalbi vezanih za sadrzaj foruma.

Kontaktirali su nas advokati **deto Access, Microsfot i jos nekoliko kompanija.
Shodno tome, obrisani su svi postovi i podforumi koji su sadrzavali ili neke fajlove, ili linkove prema proizvodima tih kompanija.

Ubuduce, moderatori moraju voditi racuna da se ne dozvoli korisnicima linkovanje warez sadrzaja, exploit-ova, CD-key i svega sto je ilegalno.

Takodje, vodite racuna o postovima vezanim za sve encryption systeme, tako da se nigdje ne smije postovati puno ime.

Npr "**acess".

Ukoliko neko i ubuduce bude stavljao linkove ka nelegalnim sadrzajima, bice banovan, a ako se uprkos upozorenjima ovo nastavi, bicu prinudjen da zatvorim forum u potpunosti.

Nadam se da je jasno.

 Recently we have received enough abuse complaints regarding the content of the forum.

Contact us lawyers ** deto Access, Microsfot and a few other companies.
Consequently,I'M deleted all the posts and Forums included link or some files, to the products of these companies.

In the future, moderators must take into account that they do not allow users to content eny link of warez, exploit's, CD-key and everything that is illegal.

Also, keep accounts of all posts related to encryption Systeme, so that nowhere does not show the full name.

Eg "** acess.

If someone in the future be placed links to illegal content, will be ban, and if this continues despite the warnings, I will close the forum completely.

I hope that is clear.