Author Topic: Eva IpTv  (Read 393 times)

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Offline timesurfer

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Eva IpTv
« on: January 08, 2020, 06:36:39 PM »
Dragi forumaši,vidim da ima dosta trabanta za IPTV liste EX-YU koje su sve teže dostupne ne u smislu skidanja već što njihovi admini mjenjaju kodove tako da one čak ni sa današnjim datumom ne rade ali  ipak dobra vijest za one koji ne znaju pojavila se nova aplikacija za pametne mobitele zvana Eva IpTv koju mozete azurirat po potrebi i prakticno dobijete sve svijetske kanale među njima i ex-yu koja radi sa pun kofer programa ja je već koristim i zadovoljstvo je na vrhuncu jedino ako bi to htio gledat na tv ekranu potreban je HDMI kabel sa adapterom koji nije baš tako jeftin a cijene variraju od brenda mobitela u svakom slućaju isplativo je kupit taj adapter gdje se cijene kreču od 350-500kn.  jedino me je strah da oni ovo brzo ne ukinu onda smo opet na istom,za sada to radi bezprjekorno i stabilno što je najvažnije.

Dolje u prilogu imate zip sa uputstvom i stranicom za skidanje samo je potrebno unijet kodove za svaki kanal a ima ih 10 kad unesete te kodove pritisnete dugme ažuriranje na aplikaciji izaberete što želite ili kanal koji želite i vojla.

Sretno svima a jaču i dalje slat liste koje rade ako budem mogao doći do njih.

Text translation is Google's help, let's hope it's correct. :)
Dear forums, I see that there is a lot of demand for EX-YU IPTV listings that are harder to access not in the sense of downloading, but their admins are changing the codes so that they do not work even today but good news for those who do not know appeared a new smartphone application called Eva IpTv that you can update as needed and get practically all the world channels among them and ex-yu that works with a full suitcase program I already use it and pleasure is at its peak only if you want to watch it on your TV screen is an HDMI cable with an adapter that is not so cheap and the prices vary by brand of cell phones anyway it is worth buying this adapter where prices range from 30-70€ my only fear is that they will not abolish this quickly then we are on the same again, for now it is working flawlessly and steadily most importantly.

Below you will find a zip with instructions and a download page, you just need to enter the codes for each channel and there are 10 when you enter those codes, press the update button on the application, select what you want or the channel you want and download.

Good luck to everyone, and still keep the sweet lists that work if I can get to them.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2020, 06:40:07 PM by timesurfer »
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Offline timesurfer

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Re: Eva IpTv
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2020, 02:18:29 PM »
EX-SFRJ-IPTV 29.1.2020.
If you like my post, give it a like and if not, don't take it down again, thanks!