Author Topic: Nagravison 4 by next year or sooner???  (Read 1979 times)

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Nagravison 4 by next year or sooner???
« on: October 04, 2011, 01:27:37 AM »
Well as most of you know DN removed the DP301E DP301:10 and so on the whole DP301 line of units from its support IRD list. Now many figured it was because they as in the DP301 line of units were very easy to jtag / read, so easy anyone could use the N3/ Purple card to cardshare via RQCS or NKS software via DP301s

    Here is the point, everyone knows other units such as the 311s and others can be used to read / jtag also however they are some what tougher / harder for the novice hacker or tester or whatever you would like to call them to dump or jtag or w.e you would like call it so the user can use this sub to cardshare.

    Now we all know when Nagra does something aka dn encryption team does something there is method to it, at first i thought well they did this so close to the holidays they wanted a nice huge HOLIDAY bonus $$$ for all the big DN executives for instance I have no contract with DN and I was forced to buy new hardware or sign a 4 year contract.

    I said not me no thank you so I paid for the 311s. Now.

    Now.....The 311s basically have a larger TSOP or dual TSOP and some 311s have no cards. Correct?

    Now what I think the general consonance is most feel the DP301s were taken off the DN IRD Support unit list for reasons of cardshare..

    However I and others whom I have spoke to feel this was done because the DP301 lines of IRD TSOP is to small to handle Nagra 4 or the DP301 itself is just is unable to handle the N4 encryption and that's why they were removed and can no longer be used to watch DN. Also funny bev 411 basically the same thing as a DP311 is fine, they were not what can call. ( recalled or removed* They can handle the N4 when it hits. However 411 and 311 are same just one bev and one dn.

    Also when N4 does get in the stream and active and there is a new card each time you pull your card out of your IRD, You will have to call DN to activate that IRD in order to get TV. So for instance you get your new N4 card you call DN you activate you new DN N4 Card you let it do a few updates ( AKA) Vital Program Updates then you feel its a good time to put that card in your Dreambox or ISO reader or whatever way you run your cardshare since there are many methods. Well as soon as you pull that N4 card out of a real DN IRD guess what? That card is no longer active even if you put it back in the DN IRD, further more then you must call and DN and re-activate that N4 card just to put it back in the real DN IRD and have TV... It will be on the directions that you must never remove the card unless instructed by DN Techs by phone. Also it will be kept in dn support notes such customer is removing his cards (X) amount of times per day per week whatever and it will bring up a RED Flag lets say for the Nagra integrity team to look at your account and perhaps do a call back, who knows. but as I said or will say things are about to get NASTY / bad.

    Now that is my theory... However I feel Nagra4 is near....

    Does anyone else feel the same???

    Have a Nice Day