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Offline antox

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TM Guides and FAQ
« on: December 28, 2009, 11:56:45 PM »
Why should I have a swap file.
Why should I have a Swap File?

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A swap file of say 32mb behaves like extra memory called upon only when required.

With the latest images, there are times when available memory is insufficient and if there is no Swap File to supply the extra memory, it would then reboot itself due to insufficient resorces.

It is strongly recommended that a swap file is installed on a SD card.

A swap File can be incorporated when you install ijBoot on your system.

If you wish to run only a Flash Image, you still can use the jiBoot facility to set up the Swap File.
How to set up a swap file on SD card.
How to set up a Swap File on my SD card?
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Insert a Fat or Fat32 formatted 1 or 2gb SD Card into the mmc card slot in your TM9100 STB.
Switch ON your TM9100 (This must be basically setup including the Communications to the PC),and let it Boot Up.
On your PC, start up the jiBoot facility.
On the PC Screen, select "Check iBoot media mount"
On the Pop-Up screen, check that the radio buttons within the media area has /mmc selected.
On that screen, select "Check iBoot media mount". If the SD Card is recognised, then that patch will go Green.
Exit that Screen, and select "Install iBoot on box".
On the Pop-UP screen, select the "Yes" radio button within the "format Media" area.
Select install iBoot, and when completed the patch will go green.
In the Swap Files area, tick the /mmc box, and then select 32mb in the drop-down box.
Select "Apply new swap params."
The execution log will indicate the swap file list is done and the "Apply new swap params." Patch will disappear from the setup menu.
You now will have a 32mb Swap File on your SD Card.
The file "extra_run" for Flash has also been placed in your /var/bin folder ensuring the swap file starts up at every Reboot
What is CVS.
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What is CVS?

In the field of software development, the Concurrent Versions System (CVS), also known as the Concurrent Versioning System, provides a version control system based on open-source code. Version control system software keeps track of all work and all changes in a set of files, and allows several developers (potentially widely separated in space and/or time) to collaborate. Dick Grune developed CVS in the 1980s. CVS has become popular in the open source software world and is released under the GNU General Public License.
What is CIFS.
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What is CIFS?

CIFS is a network filesystem plus a set of auxiliary services supported by a bunch of underlying protocols. Any and all of these various bits have been called CIFS, which leaves us with a somewhat muddy definition. To make things easier, we'll start by saying that CIFS is "Microsoft's way of doing network file sharing", and work out the details as we go on.

The name "CIFS", of course, is an acronym. It stands for Common Internet File System, a title which deserves a bit of dissection:

The term has a variety of connotations, but we will assume that Microsoft was thinking of common in the sense of commonly available or commonly used. All MS operating systems have had some form of CIFS networking available or built in, and there are implementations of CIFS for most major non-MS operating systems as well.
Unfortunately, there is not yet a specification for CIFS that is complete, correct, authoritative, and freely available. Microsoft defines CIFS by their implementations and, as we shall see, their attempts at documenting the complete suite have been somewhat random. This has an adverse impact on the commonality of the system.

At the time that the "CIFS" name was coined many people felt that Microsoft was late to the table regarding the exploitation of the Internet. As will be described further on, the naming scheme they used back then (based on a piece of older LAN technology known as NetBIOS) doesn't scale to large networks--certainly not the Internet. The idea that CIFS would become an Internet standard probably came out of the work that was being done to redesign Microsoft's networking products for Windows NT5 (now known as Windows2000 or W2K). Under W2K, CIFS can use the Domain Name System (DNS) for name resolution.

File System
CIFS allows the sharing of directories, files, printers, and other cool computer stuff across a network. That's the filesystem part. To make use of these shared resources you need to be able to find & identify them, and you also need to control access so that unauthorized folk won't fiddle where they shouldn't. This means that there is a hefty amount of administrivia to be managed, so CIFS file sharing comes surrounded by an entourage. There are protocols for service announcement, naming, authentication, and authorization. These are separate, but intertwined. Some are based on published standards, others are not, and most have changed over the years.

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Re: Guides and FAQ
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2009, 12:03:05 AM »
Video tutorial for loading keys on tm9100
Video tutorial for loading keys on tm9100

This is a video tutorial i made on how to load keys in to your technomate 9100 satellite receiver

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Re: Guides and FAQ
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2009, 12:04:42 AM »
Technomate TM-9100 for beginners Introduction & LAN Networking

Technomate TM-9100 for beginners Introduction & LAN Networking

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Re: TM Guides and FAQ
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2010, 04:08:06 PM »
 for newbies CS share 2 tm9100 in house gbox 2.25 only
Hi this is for total newbies who wish to share 2 tm9100 or tm9101 supers
with one sly uk card in house with gbox 2.25 only no pc required for the share just to setup.
If you follow these instructions and cut and paste where needed you will have them up and working in an hour or so. This is not for skilled gbox users nor will everything seem correct to them but it will help total newbies on the way to thier first share and from there the confidence to move on to more complex stuff.
what you will need
1 DCC 294 for file transfer
2 Technomate control center 6
These are the programs you will need for setup
most can be found on the main tm websites or downloaded from some of the users here who have left links
You also need to down load an image
I used UK UR 10 for this it is one of many but you can download from panel all you need setup for you and no need for lots of file transfer which could lead to a small error resulting in frustration. on this image and i asume the other UR images are the same you will be able to download gbox 2.25 card readers plus the most important for the tm9100 a fully working gbox suite and gbox center with no need for messing with settings.
At this point i will assume that the basics of the tm have been learnt
i recomend loading the UR IMAGE onto a memory card do not risk putting it into flash memory as this can create problems and after setup and a bit of practice the image can be kept for referenc while another of your choice is used later
step one
use Iboot to load image onto memery cards of each box
once complete boot each box up in turn and setup with basic config
one sat fixed dish eurobird 28.2 east do this even if you have motorised the need is to keep it simple and not to complicate things.
do a search to scan for all channels
now both boxes should have one sat with all channels on them and nothing else
now goto the remote coloured buttons starting with red on the left.
forget the red and press each one the first green button when pressed will show the UR download panel these are such things as download keys softcams add on and others
with the box connected to the router select download softcams configs
in the list go down to gbox 2.25 2 cards press selct to download
once complete goto download add ons press select and move down till you see gbox center and gbox suite download both do not leave one out
repeat this for the 2nd box but download gbox nd2.25 2 card
now all the basics are downloaded
now time to get sly card working on each box on the remote press the blue button and a screen appears called UR softcam v .1 put sly card in any of the slots then select gbox 2.25 from all three boxes press save and exit.
for this i put the channel to sly one before doing and it clears quickly

now both boxes should have been checked same way and sly working on both
if you have got to this point and alls well good now to setup boxes
there are two boxes and we are going to set them upwith these settings
box 1
port 6667
password 12345678

box 2
port 5566
password 12345679
agian these are used to keep it very simple and not to confuse
on the first box goto setup press expert setup there you will see ip address at top change this to next to that is a box dhcp press this till a red cross appears now move down to port and change this to 6667 from 80 defualt save and exit
now next box goto setup expert setup and change ip to
agian put a cross on dhcp then move to port and change to 5566save setting and exit it may be worth rebooting both boxes at this point
both boxes have now had basic setup now time to use technomate control center to change passwords to the deired numbers
so with both boxes connected to router and pc or laptop connected to router start technomate control center and press update then press change password. change the ip address to then add new password twice in my case the UR IMAGE add no password so current password left blank and the new password12345678 was added when change correct it wiill let you know do the same for other box password change to 12345679
ok next stage
need to check that password and ip match
so on the pc start dcc 294 change language to english
you will see a pc a sat box and a router
in connection type click router
in equipment tick card flah and memory stick
leave pc ip alone router should be this is defualt
change box ip to
next change password leave root alone and add 12345679
if all done press reconnect if good it will all turn green ftp connected
telnet connected and boot manager not found
if both boxes do this then you are ready for the last stages
you need now to up date file cwshare.cfg start dcc294 agian and select box when connected goto ftp at the bottom left of your screen
you will now see a split screen the left hand side is the image folders double click on var folder then new list appears double click on keys now a small list of files appears go to cwshare.cfg right click on the file slect edit delete the few lines and paste this below with all ashes

#Please find below an example and explanation of the cwshare.cfg file that is used with g*ox and is extremely important ...

#This is an example of cwshare.cfg with the most important communication lines:

M: { { 12345678 }}
#D: { { 5566 5580 { 22222222 { A3 A3 }}}}
#D: { { 5566 5566 { 33333333 { A3 A3 }}}}
D: { { 6667 5566{ 12345679 { A1 A1 }}}}

#The M-line. M: { you’re DNSNAME { you’re password }}
# The DNS name is the name that you did sign up for.
#• The password contains 8 numbers/letters 1-9 A-F

#The D-line. D :{ DNSNAME { PORT1 PORT2 { password { share level 2 x }}}}

#• The DNSNAME is the name the one you are going to share with is using.
#• PORT1 is the port you are using yourself 5566.
#That port has to opened in your router.
#• PORT2 is the port the person you are going to share with is using. This port has to be opened in his router .
#• Password, this has to be the same as in his M-line.
#• The share levels: is how far you allow the card to be shared. For example A3 A3. The first A3 says how far the local card in this box can be shared. The second A3 says how far the cards in you’re network(=virtual cards that you might get from others) can be shared. (if possible)This shouldnt be put to high,cards shared over 3 will start to cause freezes and caus a lot of unnecessery trafic.The A hasnt got anything to do with the level it simply allows nd$ cards to be shared.

#You should never use the same code for different boxes !!!!!!.
#You can use the same port for several shares.

#In the example the last D line is for sharing in house.

#Sharing over the net.

#With this the example cwshare.cfg from the client would look like this:

#M: { { 22222222 }} #
#D: { { 5580 5566 { 11111111 { A5 A5 }}}}

#The port 5580 is the port open on box2. The second port 5566 is the port open on box1.
#11111111 is the code the server( box1) is using in his M line so it has to be in the D line of the client.

#Sharing in house:
#With this the example share.cfg from the client would look like this:

#M: { { 44444444 }}
#D: { { 5590 5566 { 11111111 { A0 A0 }}}}

#In this example the ip internal of the server/ box1) is, here I use the ip, because the information is not going over the net.Share is set to A0 A0 because we are not sharing only getting from box1.

#Well now everything should work......

#If you get a D line from a friend. Please do not show it to others it is for you’re use only.
#If you post a backup img. Remove all the information about you’re share’s.
#People will just put those lines in there own files and that creates problems!!!!

#Dist and level….
#This kind of information you can look in the .tmp file of you’re dreambox or in the g*ox center .Or you can use PHPg*ox statistics and UDPlog on a pc.
#The tmp/ files contains info about who is online and who is not. The one’s with a 1 in front is online and the one’s with a 0 is not. In this file you can see how many cards you receive and for which provider. You can also see the levels of the diffrent cards. Level 0 means, the card cant be reshared . The distance is how many boxes there are between the card and you’re box.
#Example: dist 1 means someone you are directly connected with has this card.


#Is put in var/key file. This file is used to ignore the unused providers . This is important because you can’t have more than 1024 cards. NOTE : When you first start... leave this alone for a while... You can alway experiment with this later!


#When you reach the limit of 1024 cards g*ox will set it self back to less cards. Or in a worst case, don't work at all! Normally I is set to 5 , this means you can’t receive cards that are further away than 5 boxes away. You can adjust this you’re self by setting this in you’re cwshare.cfg: Short : The I = is the distance allowed.

I: { 3 }

#This means you will not receive cards that are more than 3 boxes/hops away.


#Lets you control how many cards you will receive for each provider. Normally it is 05, I think u should leave it this way. Or when you have troubles bring it back to f.e. 3. (Don't go any lower then that!)In early versions this value is in dec in later its in hex

X: { 05 }

#Here you can block bad cards.Cards theat doesnt have the full package.You actually put the boxid of the box sharing the bad card.This will however block all cards from that box
#When you first start off, leave this also alone for a while. You can always experiment with this later!

Y: { 12 34 }

#Now the cards from box 12 34 will not be used anymore. Be sure to put a space between the first two and the last two!!!!
#Pleas keep in mind, that these Cards you insert over there, are blocked for all guys "behind" you. Useually, this should be used only for Cards with Level = 0. Generally bad cards should be insterted to the ignore.list (with the same care of course!)


#In this line you can tell the emu to favor known good cards for providers.

#G: { 0100006A 1234 }

#0100006A = The provider ID, and 1234 the boxid

#NOTICE: that if the box ID allready is in the Y line, The G line will not be used!!
#By inserting G-Lines you can increase the total number of cards to be used for one provider... i.e. even if you put number of cards to X : 1, you can access much more cards if there are (some of course) BUT... as far as I know, there is no chance to increase the distance for single cards only..

# 01 repeat EMM's
# 00 consider every EMM only once
# 01 restart pid on overflow
# 1* reset ENX on every channel change
# *1 check/reset ENX freezes on FTA
# *2 check/reset ENX freezes on PayTV
# *3 check/reset ENX freezes on FTA and PayTV
# 00 write nothing in atack.txt
# 01 write into atack.txt: password is wrong
# 02 write into atack.txt: ID unknown
# 04 write into atack.txt: IP is wrong
# 08 write into atack.txt: port is worng
# 10 write into atack.txt: share.stat
# 20 create online.log for online/offline logging
# 3F write everything. (combine bits for other combinations)
# 4000 send ecm again after 4 Second$ if no reply.
# 6000 resync decode after 6 Second$ if net decode failed
#N: { 00 01 03 1F 4000 6000 }
finish paste on the #n line
now at top of screen select save and exit
now your setting are in for that boxes cwshare.cfg
next look at the file if it as 644 attributes at right and side right click onfile select attributes 755 then save
now box is done please do not try and alter this file in gbox suite it gave me problems
reboot box
now in dcc294 select box
agian select ftp then var then keys then cwshare edit file and paste this below

#Please find below an example and explanation of the cwshare.cfg file that is used with g*ox and is extremely important ...

#This is an example of cwshare.cfg with the most important communication lines:

M: { { 12345679 }}
#D: { { 5566 5580 { 22222222 { A3 A3 }}}}
#D: { { 5566 5566 { 33333333 { A3 A3 }}}}
D: { { 5566 6667{ 12345678 { A1 A1 }}}}

#The M-line. M: { you’re DNSNAME { you’re password }}
# The DNS name is the name that you did sign up for.
#• The password contains 8 numbers/letters 1-9 A-F

#The D-line. D :{ DNSNAME { PORT1 PORT2 { password { share level 2 x }}}}

#• The DNSNAME is the name the one you are going to share with is using.
#• PORT1 is the port you are using yourself 5566.
#That port has to opened in your router.
#• PORT2 is the port the person you are going to share with is using. This port has to be opened in his router .
#• Password, this has to be the same as in his M-line.
#• The share levels: is how far you allow the card to be shared. For example A3 A3. The first A3 says how far the local card in this box can be shared. The second A3 says how far the cards in you’re network(=virtual cards that you might get from others) can be shared. (if possible)This shouldnt be put to high,cards shared over 3 will start to cause freezes and caus a lot of unnecessery trafic.The A hasnt got anything to do with the level it simply allows nd$ cards to be shared.

#You should never use the same code for different boxes !!!!!!.
#You can use the same port for several shares.

#In the example the last D line is for sharing in house.

#Sharing over the net.

#With this the example cwshare.cfg from the client would look like this:

#M: { { 22222222 }} #
#D: { { 5580 5566 { 11111111 { A5 A5 }}}}

#The port 5580 is the port open on box2. The second port 5566 is the port open on box1.
#11111111 is the code the server( box1) is using in his M line so it has to be in the D line of the client.

#Sharing in house:
#With this the example share.cfg from the client would look like this:

#M: { { 44444444 }}
#D: { { 5590 5566 { 11111111 { A0 A0 }}}}

#In this example the ip internal of the server/ box1) is, here I use the ip, because the information is not going over the net.Share is set to A0 A0 because we are not sharing only getting from box1.

#Well now everything should work......

#If you get a D line from a friend. Please do not show it to others it is for you’re use only.
#If you post a backup img. Remove all the information about you’re share’s.
#People will just put those lines in there own files and that creates problems!!!!

#Dist and level….
#This kind of information you can look in the .tmp file of you’re dreambox or in the g*ox center .Or you can use PHPg*ox statistics and UDPlog on a pc.
#The tmp/ files contains info about who is online and who is not. The one’s with a 1 in front is online and the one’s with a 0 is not. In this file you can see how many cards you receive and for which provider. You can also see the levels of the diffrent cards. Level 0 means, the card cant be reshared . The distance is how many boxes there are between the card and you’re box.
#Example: dist 1 means someone you are directly connected with has this card.


#Is put in var/key file. This file is used to ignore the unused providers . This is important because you can’t have more than 1024 cards. NOTE : When you first start... leave this alone for a while... You can alway experiment with this later!


#When you reach the limit of 1024 cards g*ox will set it self back to less cards. Or in a worst case, don't work at all! Normally I is set to 5 , this means you can’t receive cards that are further away than 5 boxes away. You can adjust this you’re self by setting this in you’re cwshare.cfg: Short : The I = is the distance allowed.

I: { 3 }

#This means you will not receive cards that are more than 3 boxes/hops away.


#Lets you control how many cards you will receive for each provider. Normally it is 05, I think u should leave it this way. Or when you have troubles bring it back to f.e. 3. (Don't go any lower then that!)In early versions this value is in dec in later its in hex

X: { 05 }

#Here you can block bad cards.Cards theat doesnt have the full package.You actually put the boxid of the box sharing the bad card.This will however block all cards from that box
#When you first start off, leave this also alone for a while. You can always experiment with this later!

Y: { 12 34 }

#Now the cards from box 12 34 will not be used anymore. Be sure to put a space between the first two and the last two!!!!
#Pleas keep in mind, that these Cards you insert over there, are blocked for all guys "behind" you. Useually, this should be used only for Cards with Level = 0. Generally bad cards should be insterted to the ignore.list (with the same care of course!)


#In this line you can tell the emu to favor known good cards for providers.

#G: { 0100006A 1234 }

#0100006A = The provider ID, and 1234 the boxid

#NOTICE: that if the box ID allready is in the Y line, The G line will not be used!!
#By inserting G-Lines you can increase the total number of cards to be used for one provider... i.e. even if you put number of cards to X : 1, you can access much more cards if there are (some of course) BUT... as far as I know, there is no chance to increase the distance for single cards only..

# 01 repeat EMM's
# 00 consider every EMM only once
# 01 restart pid on overflow
# 1* reset ENX on every channel change
# *1 check/reset ENX freezes on FTA
# *2 check/reset ENX freezes on PayTV
# *3 check/reset ENX freezes on FTA and PayTV
# 00 write nothing in atack.txt
# 01 write into atack.txt: password is wrong
# 02 write into atack.txt: ID unknown
# 04 write into atack.txt: IP is wrong
# 08 write into atack.txt: port is worng
# 10 write into atack.txt: share.stat
# 20 create online.log for online/offline logging
# 3F write everything. (combine bits for other combinations)
# 4000 send ecm again after 4 Second$ if no reply.
# 6000 resync decode after 6 Second$ if net decode failed
#N: { 00 01 03 1F 4000 6000 }

agian paste down to #n line
save then change attribute on file to 755
reboot box

both boxes are ready to share the above settings in each paste are exactly like i have mine all lines with # at start are guides
no # the proper lines at the time of setting this up i messed with the share levels and remove a then added a as i was trying a digalb card as well as sly card this turned out to the best and agian kept it simple to reduce chance of errors
both boxes should have everything ready now time for router

you need to setup two static ip adresses in your router
and set up rule for each
ip set rule name box1 set protacol to udp only and port to 6667
next set to rule name box2 protacol to udp and port to 5566
after after this save and reboot router
now boxes and router ready
start boxes and put sly card in one goto blue panel select gbox 2.225 for each softcam save and exit both boxes should now have full packages
if not goto goto yellow button gbox suite and look at gbox info it will tell you if you are on line and if a card or peer other box on line

if you follow this carefully it will work i have had sly card running for days with no freeze or glitches the card it self is a very recent one
some of these steps and settings you do not need but follow it anyway to prevent missing something hope it works for you
once running you can change a bit at a time in your cwshare file to learn
ever so slightly different to dreambox but not much
ps nice to give a little back
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thx nuno

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Re: TM Guides and FAQ
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2010, 04:09:19 PM »
 HOW To make cccam and newcs fully work in DS 3.3
First of all you need to download from the box the new CCcam 2.03 + Newcs 1.30 EMU
(Remember to back up your CCcam.cfg first)

This will make cards we can not talk about work

Next step is to open newcs.xml and change a few of the settings

Lower Cardreader
No MAKE SURE THIS SAYS NO (to allow CCcam to use your bottom slot)No

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 This can be any key you like made up of 14 pairs of numbers This yellow bit will be your way to read your own card and allow it to AU
Your Password

Now in your Cline in your CCcam.cfg you will need to add the following Nline

N: 15001 username password whatever des key you decied to use

now if you wanted to distrubute what newcs is reading then you must add the following lines to your newcs.xml for each distribution

Must always remember to add this on the next line down after each at the end
The Nline you would then give the other party would look something like this

N: ******* 15001 thereusername therepassword whatever des key you decieded to use

THE ******* is the username that you normally use when you send out your Cline

You will now need to transfer back over to the box the CCcam.cfg you backed up earlier and make sure you add your own cline that we made earlier on in this tutorial.

Once all this is done then all you need to do is reboot your box for the settings to take place.

If you want to distribute your card, open port 15001 to your receiver
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thx nuno

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Re: TM Guides and FAQ
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2010, 11:12:19 AM »
Noobs guide to patching your Technomate
Guide for the newbies.

Heres how to load the patches.

  * Download the relevant patch and extract.
  * Download the relevant loader and extract.
  * Connect your receiver to the pc via rs232c cable.
  * Choose the correct com port.
  * Leave the receiver on standby.
  * Open the loader and select the software tab.
  * Press browse and find the extracted patch.
  * Press ok then start then wait.

This will take a few minutes. Thats it. The same things need doing for softcams but make sure you use the keys tab. Everything else is the same.

USB, By Benny/9

there are various models and only the correct patch will work or even load on your model

  * Download the correct patch for your receiver.
  * Open the zipped folder and take the patch out ready to transfer the patch onto your usb memory stick.
  * Insert your usb memory stick in the usb port under the front flap.
  * Turn the receiver on ready to load the patch then press the usb button on your remote.
  * on the next screen go to data transfer and click>OK.

now you will see a panel with the patch on it, it will highlight, [for patching].
press ok on the highlighted patch then it will load and when it gets to 100% and has loaded, and the receiver has re-booted [turned off and on again] and the channel opens, remove your usb memory stick. you have now loaded the patch and your channels will now open.
you also load softcams/channel lists/official software etc:in exactly the same way by selecting
the item you want to load.

Note: if scrambled channel appears on channels which should open; wait a few minutes. This will enable the auto update to kick in.

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Hope this is found helpful. Sadiq999uk and Benny/9

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Re: TM Guides and FAQ
« Reply #6 on: March 26, 2010, 06:53:33 PM »
 Anleitung 6800/6900er Serie Deutsch

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Re: TM Guides and FAQ
« Reply #7 on: January 08, 2011, 06:47:24 PM »
How to fix wifi in TM-800 HD

After JTAG Done there will be image 30-12-2010
Download by USB or by lan cable.
by pressing LAN+Blue button download only UR image 23-12-2010
1-Do factory reset
2-Fallow wizard and use default cannel list {non other}
3-Setup slowly your wifi G or N router and until you get signal
4-In wifi -LAN setup you will see static ip address this means fully installed }
After a successful installation
You can download any other images - channel list-settings
if new settings produces problems then you know is not from receiver

Above instruction fully tested with few G-wifi routers result was successful

how to setup G routers

  How to install wifi G routers only.

  1-To test your connection do not password your wifi router fallow the wizard for installation.
  2-in network setup in encryption type use only in singles do not use pairs of encryption
  N routers no restrictions

How to install an image to TM-800 including any hard disk ,

1-After Downloading any image do factory reset off/on from rear for 30 seconds.
2-After setting up all functions off/on from rear for 30 seconds.
3-To install hard disk it has to be formatted NTFS otherwise TM-800 will not detect it.
4-After installation and formatting the hard disk by using hotkey { HDD } on your remote { will take up to 15 mints } off/on from rear for 30 seconds