Author Topic: Twitter pretrpio napad iranskih hakera  (Read 718 times)

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Twitter pretrpio napad iranskih hakera
« on: December 19, 2009, 09:52:40 AM »

Korisnici koji su jutros pokuÅ¡ali pristupiti svom omiljenom mikrobloging servisu to nisu mogli učiniti, jer je isti u potpunosti nedostupan. Pravi razlozi nisu otkriveni, no neki mediji dojavili su da je Twitter pretrpio hakerski napad
Popularni mikrobloging servis Twitter posljednjih nekoliko sati nije bio dostupan korisnicima. Upravo prije nekoliko minuta, servis je ponovo online, a stručnjaci servisa užurbano rade na detekciji pravih razloga problema.

Kako neki mediji dojavljuju, Twitter je pretrpio prilično žestok napad hakera koji su se identificirali kao Iran Cyber Army, no ovaj podatak nije službeno potvrđen.

Čim saznamo, izvijestit ćemo vas o pravim razlozima nedostupnosti Twittera, no ovakva 'reklama' definitivno ne ide u korist nikome pa tako ni Twitteru.

Ako to već niste do sada učinili, upućujemo vas da pratite naÅ¡ službeni kanal na ovom servisu na adresi
Users who have this morning tried to access your favorite mikrobloging service that they could not do, because the same completely unavailable. Real reasons not disclosed, but some media reported that the Twitter suffered a hacker attack
Popular mikrobloging service Twitter last few hours was not available to users. Just a few minutes, the service is online again, and experts working in the service quickly detecting the real reason of the problem.

How to convey some of the media, Twitter has suffered quite a fierce attack against hackers who identified Iran as the Cyber Army, but this information is officially confirmed.

As soon as we know, we will inform you about the real reasons for the unavailability of Twitter, but these 'commercial' is definitely not going to benefit anyone, and neither Twitter.

If you have not already done so far, we refer you to follow our official channel at the service at / tportal.