Author Topic: Eutelsat W7. 36E VSAT  (Read 332 times)

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Eutelsat W7. 36E VSAT
« on: March 02, 2010, 03:38:24 PM »
Eutelsat W7. 36E VSAT

March 2, 2010

European satellite operator Eutelsat also hopes to get permission SCRF to simplify the registration procedure Russian VSAT-networks operating through the moon shining on Russia W7.

February 19, 2010 the State Commission for Radio Russia (SCRF) has approved a new procedure for registering for networks operating through three foreign satellite operator Intelsat.

The decision of February 19, extends to satellites Intelsat, as these satellites are in positions 60, 66 and 85.15 degrees east have a special service area, designed to provide high-quality satellite communications services especially in Russia, - the press office Minkomsvyazi. - A simplified registration procedure applies to VSAT-networks, which fall into foreign satellites, only in cases of emergencies on the Russian sides and in the absence of these resources. "

At the meeting, deputy head of the SCRF Rossvyaz Vladimir Kurachenko also noted that simplified registration will be applied only to stations using satellite channels owned by companies with Russia's participation.

And this requirement satisfies Eutelsat - 3,4% of shares owned operator RSCC (RSCC), which make up the administrative board Eutelsat.

Nevertheless, collars Eutelsat in the decision of the SCRF "uproschenke not hit.
It happened in part because coverage of the satellite Eutelsat W7is not designed to work with VSAT-terminals to the same before the operator had not been active in the fight for the adoption of simplified registration procedures regulator VSAT-networks.
According to a source familiar with the situation, discussing the decision on "uproschenke" with Eutelsat, Minkomsvyazi referred to the fact that the pages ComNews Eutelsat representative noted that seek to simplify procedures for registration of VSAT-networks for the company is not economically feasible.

However, in the resolution of the simplified registration on the boards of only one operator (Intelsat) Eutelsat sees injustice.
Regional Director of Eutelsat in Russia and CIS Nikolai Orlov told reporters ComNews, that the information that the company Eutelsat is not interested in obtaining a simplified registration procedure VSAT-stations to work with his companions in Russia does not correspond to reality.
Eutelsat is taking the necessary actions and is actively working with the Russians on this issue.

People turn to us many companies from Russia, interested in using our satellites for its VSAT-networks in Russia, - says Nikolay Orlov. - But the lack of simplified procedures for registration stations to work with our companions often causes them to refuse our services. Eutelsat favor fair competition. The operators must work under the same conditions, and customers have the right freely to choose the most suitable companion for them.

The conditions under which one or another operator privileges, you can not call the market. On the lack of the same for all operators of the registration procedure VSAT-stations in the first Russia's turn to suffer. We do everything possible to give them the best conditions for our satellites.

Of course, the more clear and understandable for all operators would be making a decision SCRF about" foreigners "unambiguous criteria under which for a particular board would open the possibility of simplified registration of VSAT-terminals - the general director of the satellite operator" Settelekom Sergei Pekhterev. - Priority of Intelsat in the current decision is due, primarily, the fact that the main "disruptive" force in the decision SCRF were Russia's operators or distributors: "RuSat", Romantis, "Teleport-Service", "Dozor-Teleport, which are either already long run, or want to start work on the boards of Intelsat.

However, in the same Eutelsat in doekspressamovskuyu era (before 2004) on Sesat worked VSAT-network platform PES from Hughes to a hub in Moscow and terminals with antenna 1,8 m. Another thing is that while among the operators do not want to see again is already on the W7, because the energy in the FSS-W7 transponders really inferior to Intelsat. It remains to wait for a VSAT-carrier "fan club Eutelsat", which organizes the expansion of the list SCRF for "Legionnaires" .

The regulator is not obliged to fight for the rights of Eutelsat, the operator must carve itself a solution, - the CEO of satellite operator RuSat Sergei Alymov. - SCRF decided on the treatment of operators that operate via satellite Intelsat. Actually, we are in a letter regulator proposes to extend the simplified procedure of registration of VSAT-networks and Eutelsat, but the company has no significant coverage in Russia. Bort W4 is used for broadcasting, while the beam W7, where you can arrange Internet access, a wide spot, but a weak power, VSAT station set up at him is useless. "

Wide beam W7 has a capacity of 47 dBW, which does no worse than competitors" - objected to this Nikolai Orlov.